Castle Uniforms, Incorporated
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Thank you for visiting Castle Uniforms on the internet. We have two easy options for you to contact us from this page. You may click on the bold royal blue writing above t his paragraph and email us directly to Your second option is to fill in the form below and a representative from our group sales department will reply with an answer to your question. Kate or Mary from Castle Uniforms group sales department will respond to you shortly. Thank you for visiting our site. Our office hours are 9 AM to 5 PM Eastern Standard time, Monday thru Friday. Please allow them one business day to reply. Please reference your school and program in which you are enrolled in your subject line and the comment box. Thank you and we look forward to assisting you in your new academic career.
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This site and all contents are ©1969 Castle Uniforms, Incorporated   Telephone: 910-485-4429
Castle Uniforms 1800 Skibo Road Unit 228, Cross Creek Plaza, Fayetteville, NC 28303 Hours 9:30 AM to 5 PM Monday-Friday
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